CSS Hacks and Filters

by Joseph Lowery
ISBN: 0-7645-7985-1
Format: pdf


Joseph Lowery is the author of the Dreamweaver MX Bible and the Fireworks MX Bible series as well as Design and Deploy Web Sites with Dreamweaver MX 2004 and Contribute 3 and Joseph Lowery's Beyond Dreamweaver. In past years he co-authored Dreamweaver MX 2004 Web Application Recipes with Eric Ott and the Dreamweaver MX 2004 Killer Tips books with Angela Buraglia. His books are international best-sellers, having sold over 400,000 copies world-wide in 11 different languages. He has developed numerous extensions for the Dreamweaver community, both free and commercial, including FlashBang! and Deva Tools for Dreamweaver. Joseph is also a consultant and trainer and has presented at MacDesign in Chicago, Seybold in both Boston and San Francisco, Macromedia conferences in the U.S. and Europe, and at ThunderLizard's Web World. Joseph is currently the Director of Marketing for WebAssist.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Why Hack CSS?
Chapter 2: Filtering CSS for Older Browsers
Chapter 3: Hiding CSS from Newer Browsers
Chapter 4: Applying Conditional Comments
Chapter 5: Scripting JavaScript and Document Object Model Hacks
Chapter 6: Coding Server-Side Solutions
Chapter 7: Enhancing Graphics and Media with CSS
Chapter 8: Maintaining Accessibility with CSS
Chapter 9: Integrated CSS Hack Layouts
Chapter 10: Building Navigation Systems
Chapter 11: Troubleshooting CSS
Chapter 12: Implementing CSS Hacks in Dreamweaver
Chapter 13: Creating CSS Savvy Dreamweaver Templates
Appendix A: Resources
Appendix B: Browser Compatibility Charts

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